Jessica Cox from bench to data science

Project McNulty

Time is flying and we are cruising as we enter our seventh week (half-way point!) here at Metis. Our third project was focused on classification methods, and we utilized several tools to generate and expore a dataset of our choice.

Given the current insanity of our political climate, I began wondering about how we, as the electorate, could even begin to make sense of the things flying out of our politicans mouths. Could we ever know what they were saying was true?

Enter For the uninitiated, Politifact is dedicated to fact-checking the most significant and newsworthy claims made by politicians, candidates, PACs, bloggers, pundits, analysts, etc. A panel of staffers rank the statements on their scale of “True” to “Pants on Fire!” false. See this page for a more thorough description of their selection and ranking process. They also have an API that makes it easy to interact with their site and pull information on statements as needed.

Central question

After much thought and data exploration I settled on a central question:
Can we predict whether a politician’s statements are true or not, given the demographics of their electorate?
I chose to focus specifically on statements made by senators and governors during their elected tenure.

Data sources

Aside from Politifact’s API, I used the American Community Survey to collect demographic data by year for each state, available through the American Fact Finder. was an excellent source of information on all senators. I collected data from Wikipedia on every governor for every state since 2007 (I searched for a central source of this information, but had no luck).

Data merging and analysis

The fuzzy wuzzy module was a lifesaver as far as merging my datasets. For example, Bernie Sanders is referred to as “Bernie” on Politifact’s website, but “Bernard Sanders” in EveryPolitician’s database. I was able to write a function that found the top match for each name, calculated the percent match between them, and then standardized the dataframe to Politifact’s naming scheme based on a set threshold for the percent match.

I ended up with a total of 419 statements, all ranked on the scale of “True” to “Pants on Fire!”, matched to a politician and the demographics of the state the year the statement was made. My dataset was limited to the years 2007-2014, due to the availability of a signficant table provided by the ACS. This is an admittedly small dataset but it was plenty to work with for the scope of the project.

Lies abound

Using seaborn, I first looked at the distribution of the statements that ended up in my dataset.
statement distribution
The cynic in me was not suprised: there were more false statements than true! If we categorize “True” and “Mostly True” as True statements and the rest as False, the imbalance is about 40/60. This becomes an important issue later on in model building.

I then looked at the split by the two major parties.
party stacked histogram
There is a clear selection bias amongst this sample, where there are significantly more Republican statements represented than Democrat. However, looking at the frequency of the statements by party reveals something a bit different.

party percentage histogram

The argument could be made that though sampled more, Republican statements skew more towards being false than Democrat statements.

Predicting the truth

My exploratory analyses revealed an important issue many data scientists run into: class imbalance. I used sklearn and imbalancedlearn to correct for this imbalance in my training set. My outcome was binned into 0 and 1, with 1 representing True, our minority class. My features included year, state (as dummy variables), and state demographic information (such as median household income, percent English speaking, etc). Going into model building, my focus was primarily on precision, rather than recall, because I wanted to be able to accurately predict when a statement was true. Cluster Centroids, an undersampling method, was best at accounting for class imbalance, and an SVM model gave me the highest precision and AUC of all combinations of imbalance adjustment and classification models.

Unfortunately, but not all that surprisingly, it’s tough to predict the truth. When applied to my test set, my model accuracy was 61%, with a precision of 0.4 and an AUC of 60%. I am going to continue work to expand the dataset and refine the model to increase accuracy and precision.


While this project reveals an interesting and unsurprising truth (the guy on TV is probably lying!), there are a few ways in which this analysis can be strengthened. First on my list is expanding the dataset. I would like to collect demographic information by county so that congresspeople can be included. I also want to account for some of the biases in this sample. The states and politicians are not sampled evenly and so there is some imbalance in the features. For example, Arizona is overrepresented in 2008 because John McCain was campaigning and talking every which way. It may mean breaking up the statements by country region, or creating dummy variables for election year statements. It would also be interesting to look specifically at campaign years, be it for president, senate or house, and see how truthful candidates are.

I had a lot of fun with this project and was happy to have a few aha! moments along the way, where I felt like things really started to click. I’d previously taken a categorical data analysis class, but this helped fill in the gaps and feel more confident in my interpretations. I also really enjoyed learning more about the strengths of sklearn and all the fun ways to slice and visualize data with seaborn.

Project Benson

Our first project at Metis was to make a recommendation to a fictional client (WomenTechWomenYes) on the best places and times to advertise for their upcoming summer gala. Given this (intentionally) vague request, we got to work. The first question was what factors, and more importantly, data sources, should we consider in making our recommendation?

Who are we targeting?

The biggest challenge was to determine who our target demographic was. We made a few hypotheses and assumptions regarding who WTWY wanted donating to and attending their gala.
* We assumed that wealthy people are more charitable and willing to support a cause, and may be more inclined to support a cause related to their work.
* We assumed that people in the technology sector would be more willing to support and attend an event sponsored by WTWY.
* We assumed people in computer science bachelor’s programs at local colleges would also be interested in supporting WTWY.
Our ideal WTWY supporter would be wealthy, and/or supportive of tech initiatives given their own background.

Where are these people?

The next step was finding out more about our ideal WTWY supporter. We first looked at a dataset from the American Community Survey 2006-2010, which provided median income by zipcode. We decided to rank the zipcodes in descending order, and selected zipcodes that had a median income greater than $70k per year. Next, we looked up the addresses of universities and colleges offering comp. sci. programs, and large tech companies (i.e. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc.). We then went through both lists and looked for subway stops within these zipcodes and looked for some overlap between the two lists. We ended up generating a list of 31 stops that were either wealthy, tech-y, or both.

What stops do these people use?

Now for the data! We dug into the publically available datasets from the MTA, in which data is collected on entries and exits every 4 hours at all stops. This was just the data source we needed to learn more about our WTWY supporters. Given that we expected WTWY to campaign throughout the month of July for an August gala date, we merged the datasets from the month of July 2015, to give us a best estimate of the traffic we expect in July 2016. We found several anomalies in the data, such as negative counts, or counts greater than 10,000 per 4 hours (New York is busy, but not that busy). We calculated the total entries and exits for the entire month of July using the hourly data and ranked the 31 subway stops we previously identified.

total monthly traffic

We weren’t surprised at some of the busiest stations but we needed to make some decisions. Penn Station, while very busy, wouldn’t be conducive to stopping and talking to people when they’re rushing to work, or running to catch their train home. We decided to eliminate this stop from the list, and also combine the two Union Square stops. We ended up with the following top 5 stations to target:

  1. 34 Street - Herald Square
  2. 14 Street - Union Square
  3. 86 Street
  4. 47-50 Streets - Rockefeller Center
  5. 72 Street

When are these stations busiest throughout July?

Now that we had a solid list to work with, it was time to dive deeper into the data. We summed entries and exits to give us the variable total traffic, which was our main variable of interest. We first plotted this data over the entire course of the month, to make sure there weren’t any changes related to holidays, seasons, etc. Here we plotted total traffic per day over the course of July.

86th street july

Based on these plots, it looked as though traffic was fairly normal over the course of July, with some exception for the July 4th holiday. We then wanted to look at traffic over the course of a week - what days are busiest? Here we plotted mean total traffic per day over the course of a week.

86th street by week

We found that Tuesday - Thursdays were typically the busiest days of the week, not a huge surprise. However, in order to tailor our recommendation, we need to know more about traffic over the course of a day. We chose the top 2 busiest days for each station, and then looked at total traffic per 4 hour blocks of time. Here we plotted mean traffic per 4 hours for the corresponding day over the course of the day.

86th street by day

From these plots, we were able to make some very specific recommendations on what stations to target and when. We generated a table of the top two busiest days per station, and what 4 hour block of time on those days contained the most traffic.

Overall, this project was a really nice introduction into how data can be harnessed to make specific recommendations for a client or company. It gave me a greater appreciation for just how messy real life data is, and how much of a project is dedicated to getting your data into a form that can actually be used.